Podcast Saga: Actress Yvonne Jegede’s ex-husband, Abounce, was br%ke and had no job. We knew they were going to divorce when we saw she was getting married to him —Says TV presenter Lady Bi who lived next to Yvonne Jegede’s ex-husband, Abounce

A TV presenter Lady Bi who lived next to Yvonne Jegede’s ex-husband, Abounce has revealed that actress Yvonne Jegede’s ex-husband, Abounce, was br%ke and had no job.

We knew they were going to divorce when we saw she was getting married to him, what was on everyone lips was “where will he see the money to maintain the marriage”.

When they were dating, the bottled pepsi he use to buy for her was from her mum’s shop and it was on credit and he never paid for most. Yvonne jegede all those pepsi that you dr@nk that time was on credit o, come and pay now o.

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