He isn’t getting the job — Interviewer shares how he treated a job applicant who ins¥lted him on social media

An Interviewer has shared how he treated a job applicant who ins¥lted him on social media that he isn’t getting the job.

He said he was checking the digital footprint of all applicants for the job he posted and he found someone who ins¥lted him on Instablog.

On the day of the interview he was the last to be interviewed and he shared with him a print out of the conversation where he in’s¥lted him on Twitter, he was confused and shaking at the same time. He was apologizing but he told him to keep his apologies because frankly, he didn’t  need them. He told him he has a t£rrible digital footprint. He’s caustic. The interview was later conducted, but it was awkward, the most awkward ever.  When he was leaving, I gave him #5k fort fare. He won’t get the job. He wasn’t suppose to be invited in the first place. He just wanted to see his face.


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