Why every woman should insist on a court marriage — Man reveals, as he expos£s his gender

He complained that many of you women who wed outside of a court ceremony were getting on his nerves. According to him, they will s¥ffer because a man who refuses to perform a court marriage does not love them.

He continued, “he didn’t trust you and he did so to man#pulate you because he doesn’t want to go through the drawn-out legal processes in div%rcing you and also because of the benefits you will enjoy perhaps there is div%rce in the future such as sharing the acquired properties,”

Without a court ceremony, he said, any husband can mistr£at his wife by kicking her out whenever he wants. Since men can do and undo by taking another woman as their wife, there is nothing you can do to stop this from happening, the best course of action in a situation like this is to look for a plan B solution.

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