Residents who witnessed a yet-to-be identified villainous landlord release his dog on a tenant, have called him out over the act.
In a trending video, the landlord confronted his tenant over a paltry sum of N45,000. An eyewitness reports that the tenant was polite to the landlord as he inquired why he was refused entry into the compound for over two hours.
An argument ensued and the landlord thr£at£ned to unleash his dog on the victim for challenging him. The tenant explained that this wasn’t the first time the dog had b#tten him on the leg and dared him to do it.
However, the landlord kept to his word and released the dog which almost maul£d him but for the timely intervention of other neighbors who caught the dog and returned it to its cage.
The landlord’s action infuriated observers and they lab£led him a wi#ked man as they lamented how they haven’t known rest in the neighborhood with the dog in the compound.
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