Twitter personality, Shadaya, has revealed why you should avoid having financial dealings with men who wor§hip women.
He advises against doing business with any guys who idolize their women because they will always put the queen before the deal and it’s extremely obvious when a man is compromised.
In addition, it is a symptom of a defeated guy if he must constantly include his wife or request her approval. A guy is expected to be the head of his home and to make decisions without seeking consent.
These are men who have been poisoned by the feminist propaganda of “happy wife, happy life,” probably adhering to the notion of a marriage without gender roles, the guy who cooks, cleans, washes, and plays second mother to the kids, who has to check in with the madam and ask for permission or else he will be severely punished, who has a curfew, failure to be home on time, he either ends up sleeping outside, or is demoted from the main bedroom to All it takes for them to abandon you is for the madam to become involved.