Reno Omokri has said if Prince Diana was alive to côntrol, Prince Harry would not have ended up as Meghan Markle’s houseboy.
He said have a mother like Hakimi’s mother, and you will never have a bother. Men who disrespect their mothers because of their wives can learn from Hakimi. Nobody loves you like God. But after God,
nobody, with a possible exception of your dad, can love you like your mum.
Hakimi makes us appreciate the lyrics of Prince Nico Mbarga’s Sweet Mother. You begin to understand why there are motherless babies homes, but no fatherless babies homes. Your wife may not take a b¥Ilet for you. But she will likely take it for her child with you.
Hakimi proved that if you give your money to your girlfriend to keep, you are unwise. If you give it to your wife to keep, you are half wise. But if you give it to a demonstrably good mother to keep, you are truly, fully, completely, totally and unequivocally wise.
There is a difference between controlling a man and protecting him. Those who say Hakim’s mother c#ntrols him may not see the big picture. Would you rather be c#ntrolled’ or made poor by divorce? If Prince Harry was c#trolled, would he have ended up with Meghan?