61-year-old lady recounts how her mom came through for her when her stepdad s£x¥ally hara§§ed her at age 12

61-year-old lady recounted how her mom came through for her when her stepdad s£x¥ally hara§§ed her at age 12.

She said when she was around 12, her friend’s stepdad made a s£xual advance towards her. He walked into a room she was in alone and shut the door and thr£tened to k#Il her if she screamed. She screamed. He let her out and she ran home.

She later told her mom who without hesitation or question she took her back to their house. He was gone but her friend’s mom was there. Her mom told her to tell her what happened. She called her a liar and her mom b£at her a§s and tore that room to smithereens!

She also waited for him to come home and when he got out of his car she socked the sh#tout of him too.


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