Fmr. Gov. Gbenga Daniel’s physically challenged son uses Burnaboy’s concert as a case study on how Nigerian events exclude people like him.
He said there is no place place for physically challenged people in our infrastructure, social settings and the society at large. He is battling the feeling of constantly being made to act grateful for being included as an afterthought because our society is not really made for people like them.
All of this amount to making disability in Nigerian lonely, sc#ry and isolating.Where could he go pee? If it’s true that they were shooting tear gas and there was a stampede, what would he have done?
This happened with the concert of Burnaboy, with no planning and preparation for physically challenged people then he realized that he is going to the same artiste’s concert in London in a few months and he has zero of those worries. He is privileged and can just attend in London but don’t he owe it to the average disabled Nigerian to say that with the global visibility Afrobeats is getting, maybe, just maybe someone will remember that disabled Nigerians exist? That they have a right to be included in the planning and execution of the vision of Nigeria.