There was mild drama at a lounge in Lagos on Sunday, October 23, after a married man, Olufunmilayo Ochuko Edo, stormed the venue to destr#y his girlfriend, Ifeyinwa’s Range Rover.
According to eyewitnesses, Ochuko, a father-of-two had accused Ifeyinwa of che@ting on him after he bought her a Range Rover and ab@ndoned his family for her. This claim is however denied by the girlfriend.
In a chat with Instablog9ja, Ifeyinwa said, “I met him while I was in Dubai and discovered that he was married and had two kids. I told him we couldn’t date and he should return to his wife. He pleaded with me that he couldn’t leave me and said we should be friends with benefits. Also, he told me had dissolved the marriage.
So, I returned to Nigeria and we started dating; only for me to discover that Ochuko was a staunch dr¥g add#ct– I have video evidence for this claim. Upon this discovery, I ended the ‘relationship’ and he thre@tened to de@l with me. Last week, he threw a stone at my car and I filed a complaint at Marwa police station, Lekki, Lagos.
I never knew he would go this far as he saw me at W-bar lounge chilling yesterday and decided to destr#ythe car I bought with my hard-earned money. He was screaming on top of his voice that he bought the car for me which is a lie from the pit of h£ll. I bought the Range in May 2022, with some of the money I got from selling my Venza. This man has never bought even a bicycle for me. This is a clear case of m£nt@l der@ngement cause I never asked him to leave his wife and kids for me as he claimed in the viral video.
I’ve gone further to ensure he’s detained at the Ikoyi police station. Can you imagine this man had the audacity to send me videos and audios on WhatsApp begging for mercy; claiming he doesn’t know what came over him at the lounge.”
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