Owo Church Mass@cre: Survivor shares her experience as she celebrates birthday

A survivor of the Owo church mass@cre has shared her experiences as she celebrated her birthday

She said they were inside the church when they started sh##ting from the outside. People at the back started running towards the altar. Some jumped fence, our priest escaped through the sacristy with
the help of our cathchist. By the time She ran towards the Sacristy door, it was already locked by members who were able to reach there before her. She had to hide herself under the cupboard inside
the choir room with the baby in my hand. She said one of the k#llers shot somebody right in front of her near the Sacristy door. He looked around, when he didn’t see anybody or sound, he went away. He was on mask, loaded with Ak 47.

The distance between the heavily loaded gunman and her was like kitchen to dinning. Our choir master who was hiding with us was shit on his chest before he ran into the room with us. She prayed he survives the bullet. They k#lled children, youths and elderly. She added that they have recorded almost 100 de@th and still counting. She came out alive and escaped through the fence that demarcated our church from the Palace of Olowo of Owo Kingdom and ran to the palace for the fear of the unknown.

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