Your mother-in-law isn’t your friend — Ghanaian marriage counselor tells women .

Controversial self-acclaimed marriage and relationship expert, Counselor George Lutterodt, has told daughters-in-law that they should not consider the mothers of their husbands as friends.

During the an interview on TV3, he emphasized that women who are very close to their mothers-in-law always end up having problems with them in their marriages. He emphasized that wives can never be friends with their mothers-in-law.

“Anybody who praises the mother-in-law has a problem. Anybody nice with the mother-in-law will have a problem in the future. You can never be a friend to your mother-in-law. It is w!ckedness and disrespect”. Counselor Lutterodt stated that he is not causing and promoting misunderstanding between mothers-in-law and their daughters-in-law but rather trying to put wives on their toes when it comes to their relationship with their mothers-in-law.

“My wife and my mother can never be friends. They don’t f!ght, but they can’t be friends. The respect must be there. The respect is that she is an in-law, and you respect her at that level. You don’t have to be nice to your mother-in-law. Don’t call her your mother. She is your mother-in-law. Don’t mince the words. She is your husband’s mother, not your mother. And you can never be her daughter. Keep that in your head,” Counsellor Lutterodt concluded.

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