Man, 48, offers parents N25k in cash after raping their 8-year-old girl


According to PUNCH, Mr. Peter Christopher, a carpenter, dragged the girl into his room on that fateful day and defiled her. In her narrative, the girl said: “His (Christopher’s) wife had gone for a wedding program that day. He was
alone in the house. I was playing outside before but as I came in and was about to open our door, he moved near me and dragged me by hand into their room. He locked the door and pulled down my panties. He then put his ‘thing’ inside me. That was the only time he did it.”

Christopher was arrested and detained at the Agbado Police Division. However, after the pressure of numerous pleas from pastors and landlords in the area became too much, the girl’s parents were forced to write a letter to withdraw their case. In order to douse the tension generated on the case, their landlady also signed an undertaken on Christopher’s behalf, and agreed to pay the sum of N25,000 in five installments to Blessing’s parents.

But the girl’s father said: “I just don’t know what that money is for because I have refused to take it. Is it for my daughter’s treatment or compensation? If it is for treatment, what I spent on her treatment, tests and drugs is even more than that.” PUNCH got informed about the girl’s case by a human rights activist, who felt concerned about the pressure being put on the her family to drop the case.

But when PUNCH tracked down the girl’s family, they were reluctant to share the story as they said they did not want to be seen as being disobedient to pastors and elders who asked then to leave the matter to God….. cuz 2pac once said let God judge d criminals….


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