How God saved my life by making a way for me to leave Nigeria — UK-based Man

A UK-based Man has revealed how God saved his life by making a way for him to leave Nigeria. He said departed Nigeria Nine months following the diagnosis, the doctors informed him that he would need a panproctocolectomy, or the removal of his entire large intestine.

However he came into the UK on a student visa with the sole intention of getting his health taken care of, hoping that there would be more options available than having his large intestine removed because of Familiar Adenomatous Polyposis Syndrome (FAP).

He added that he began pursuing GP even before heading to school on the second day after arriving in the UK. Furthermore, as his school had never seen a situation like this, there was bewilderment around. Rather, he should quit school and concentrate on himself. He then resumed his studies because his visa is conditional on his academic performance and his home office will be notified of any defaults. He will cover the cost of the treatment out of pocket if he has to miss school.

He experienced depre§§ion on multiple occasions, yet support from friends, family, the school, physicians, and nurses never left him. For months, he was unable to sleep due to his anxiety of not waking up the following day.

Doctors informed him that unless he was accompanied in the UK by a relative, treatment could not begin.

His girlfriend always believed he would not pass away, so she battled her family to support him and get married.
For four months, he was unemployed his expenses were covered by Macmillan, his school, friends, family, and a church.

With everyone’s assistance, his wife was able to travel to the UK, where she saw h£ll because her husband was receiving radiation and chemotherapy concurrently five days a week, medical taxis or ambulances are used to transport patients to hospitals. 1pm–3pm. No time for learning.

Throughout it all, he passed every class, despite having grades between 50 and 59. To his surprise after the defense, he completed his dissertation and completed his simulations in pain. He had to put in all of his effort to graduate with honors. His MERIT graduation was granted.

He was scheduled to have  panproctocolectomy surgery, the fourth most painful medical procedure where he spent more than 12 hours in the theater after being wheeled in. Everyone was tense from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. because it was taking too long.

Had something gone wrong? Nobody knew for sure. Friends of his who took time off from work to visit his wife in the hospital were inconsolable and fervently prayed for his survival.

He was on ICU on oxygen after being wheeled out of the theater, and he was unable to speak until the following day.




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