Actress Dorcas Fapson recounts the moment her valuables were st%len while on vacation with her ex

Actress Dorcas Fapson has recounted the moment her valuables were st%len while on vacation with her ex.

She said she told her ex on her plan to go on a vacation in Uganda because has a booking there but they later went to  Zanzibar in Tanzania . However before they went the guy told her he did have the money for the flight ticket so she paid for the trip and he told her that he will be coming with his manager and his wife.

On getting there she was posting on Snapchat and she has all the pictures saved on her phone. When she slept and woke up, she discovered she has being robbed of her phone, money, laptop and all her valuables were gone. Her ex also said he was robbed of his wristwatch and chain.

The situation was really mind bugging for her because she is a light sleeper that is anyone enters the room she is sleep and mentioned her name she will wake up. So she was really surprised at how the r@bbery could have happened.

What pained her most was the laptop she has being working with for the past three years because it’s her office. Days later after they returned to Nigeria, she found the guy using the wristwatch he said was st@len and she bought a new phone and wanted to post about her laptop because it has her name, but this guy said she should not and she should not tell her father about the incidence, that she should tell him a lie if he asked about the laptop but the told him she can’t lie to her father.

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