Why I am finding it hard to forgive my parents for the h%rrible things they did to me — Victim

A victim has revealed why she is finding it hard to forgive her parents for the h%rrible things they did to her.

She said she was ab¥sed by her parents during her childhood days, for visiting a neighbor who is a boy, her mom be@t her and put pepper inside her v#gina. She was not sent to the university because she was not born again enough and she would be be@ten like a criminal if she miss church.

This made her h#te Jesus, church, religion and her parents for years. She even contemplated s¥icide on three occasions and never had a good thought to her parents.

She got married at the age of 18 in order to leave the house and didn’t contact her parents for 4 years but she now calls them occasionally as she is still trying to heal from the tr#uma of her childhood and also trying hard to give her children a better life.



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