Tension in Barikallahu as Air Force Officers Allegedly Att@ck Civilian After F+ght Over a Woman at a Viewing Center
Chaos has erupted in Barikallahu, a small community near the Nigerian Air Force Base in Kaduna, after a v+olent altercation involving soldiers led to the sh@@ting of three civilians
The incident reportedly began at a viewing center when a dispute over a woman escalated into a f+ght between two soldiers. A local resident got involved, prompting one of the soldiers to call for reinforcements. When the backup arrived, instead of resolving the matter, they allegedly launched an att+ck on civilians, b+ating several residents before opening fir£.
Eyewitnesses claim that one community member was sh+t in the h£ad and d+ed instantly, while two others sustained g¥nshot wo¥nds and were rushed to the hospital.
Outraged by the br¥tality, Barikallahu residents have taken to the streets in protest, demanding justice and accountability from the Nigerian Air Force.
The situation remains tense as the community calls for an investigation into the unprovoked a§§ault.
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