2024 – Page 132 – Instablog9ja

Archive for year: 2024

“Real marriages thrive at home; our parents know something about longevity in marriage that our generation struggles to understand,” says a man

A man has revealed that our parents know something about longevity in marriage that our generation struggles to understand He said real marriages exist at home. This our generation is struggling to understand this and we have more divorce than lasting marriage these days.

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Hours before being neutralized by Nigerian troops, t3rrorist kingpin Halilu Buzu appeared on TikTok, urging his associates to stop targeting poor civilians and to focus their f+ght on the military

Hours before being neutralized by Nigerian troops, t3rrorist kingpin Halilu Buzu has appeared on TikTok, urging his associates to stop targeting poor civilians and to focus their f+ght on the military. The t3rrorist has spoken in his Hausa dialect as he addresses his fellow t3rrorist to focus their f+ght...

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Wanted dr¥g baron behind four c+caine shipments to Saudi Arabia and Qatar arrested, as NDLEA declares two of his associates wanted

Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, have taken into custody a wanted dr¥g baron, Alhaji Suleiman Ganiu Aremu (a.k.a Barryshine) two years after coming under the radar of the anti-narcotics Agency. Suleiman who is the Managing Director/CEO of Barryshine Suleiman Nigeria Ltd came under the Agency’s...

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