Lady faces family dilemma after arresting her brother for alleged misconduct involving household staff

A lady is facing family dilemma after arresting her brother for alleged misconduct involving a household staff.

Our house help has being moody for a while now. She is usually a very bubbly person and she makes us all laugh in the house. I noticed a change in her behavior two months ago as she became withdrawn and reserved around the house. I chalked it up to her being on her period at first but it persisted.

I asked her about it and she said she hasn’t being too well. I gave her money to go to the hospital and she said thank you but I didn’t notice a change in her mood or countenance.
Anyway, last week I came home from school.
I’m currently doing my masters and working around my school. So I stay near the school but I come home some weekends if I get a chance. I had initially intended not coming home that weekend but what we had to do was canceled so I decided to go home.

I walking in on my brother f%rcing himself on our house help was the last thing I expected to see. This was a twenty five years old guy f%rcing himself on a girl that’s barely eighteen. I scr£amed and he rolled off her and started lying that she came onto him and sed¥ced him. I had stood at the door for close to a minute and observed everything I didn’t need a soothsayer to tell me that she wasn’t a willing participant.
Seeing I wasn’t buying his excuses he started confessing and begging me not to let anyone find out.

I secretly took out my phone and recorded the confession while trying to help her with her clothes. He followed me to my room and tried to stop me from locking the door but I binged it in his face and locked it.

Safely in the confines of my room, she collapsed in my arms and started crying bitterly. She told me how he started doing it to her two months ago when everyone travelled leaving them alone in the house. She said it was her first time and he was very inconsiderate of that and he h¥rt her real bad. I was sobbing alongside her unable to accept what happened to this poor child and the fact that the person who did this to her was my brother.

I called the authorities and also gave them the recordings of his confessions as evidence and he was arrested. My parents came home and were also shocked but they soon all turned on me asking why I didn’t inform them before taking action.

My Mum asked me how I could do this to my own bld but my Dad was more understanding and told me I did the right thing but I should have informed them first and we could have seen other ways of sorting the issues out first before getting him arrested.
I shouted at them and asked if this would be their response if it was their daughter. I took her and left the house because I knew she wasn’t safe there.

Now my family is divided between the people on my side and the ones against me. My mum even refused to talk to me till I have my brother released but my dad has being reasonable I really don’t care what they think. I am a woman so I understand the p in of this girl and in as much as he is my brother, I cannot let him go scot free after doing this.

Now this is where my delima lies. On taking her to the hospital to get checked and treated in case of injuries we found out she was pregnant. I called my dad immediately and he came over, we spoke to her and asked her what she wanted to do about it and she said she cannot ab%rt the baby.

My dad pulled me to the side and told me he did support me no matter what we decided to do but I should consider getting my brother released so he can take care of his child and the mother.

I rejected the idea immediately, but upon sitting down to reflect I’m beginning to have second thoughts on if what my dad was saying was actually true. I’m desperately in need of advice so please let me know what you guys think. I will be in the comment section please.


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