She’s free and home — Says journalist Joey Akan hours after he raised an alarm that his sister had been kidn+pped

Journalist Joey Akan hours after he raised an alarm that his sister had been kidn+pped has said she’s free and home.

He said she took a bike in Owerri, and she was diverted away from her path and into the hands of a gang.

She wasn’t the only victim there. They b£at her up badly, took her phones, her jewelry, her wig (SMH), and started demanding for huge sums of money.

He got his contacts at the police involved, and was advised not to pay as they began the investigation. Another person they contacted paid their initial sum, and they started an extortion line, trying to get more and more.

She luckily escaped early this morning, racing through the streets, and found a good Samaritan who helped her contact us. I’ve redirected her to a hospital to treat her wo¥nds, and she’s currently getting some rest.

Thanks for your prayers, and everyone who pitched and rallied support behind the scenes.


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