Life coach, Solomon Buchi has declared that people should stop sh+ming women for finding Jesus in their 30’s.
Women with a s£x¥ally explorative past are not ‘d@maged goods’ like alpha male fo%Is have strongly propagated. I uphold conservative ideals regarding sex¥al liberty, but if a woman lived sex¥ally reckless life and turns a new leaf, she should never be taunted with it.
The constant commodification and deh¥manization of women by the alpha male camp is irking. I recognize the biological reality of women, but women in their 30’s with a sex¥ally active past should
never be described as LEFT OVERS. Such language is horrendously inhumane.
Of course, an ex promiscuous woman shouldn’t feel entitled to be loved and married by men, because they’ve turned a new leaf. Action have consequences, however, stop jeeringly defining women by their consequences of their actions.
Women are like newspapers, they get stale the next day? Shut up! Women are like flowers that bloom and die? Shut up! Because there’s time (biologically or socially accepted time) for everything, doesn’t mean women who’ve missed it carelessly or intentionally should be berated. In the past weeks I’ve seen a lot of men hara§sing 30 plus women in their comments, and reminding them that they’re stale like yesterday’s bread, or shaming them for embracing Jesus. It’s mostly perpetuated by these cla§sless sp£cieless alpha man f%ol.
What bothers me even more is that some of these men are Christians. When Jesus met the ad¥lterous woman at the well, he didn’t remind her that she was left over. I presume that she was in her late 40s; had been married 5 times and still had a 6th man at home. The prevalence of internet gender whirs provokes men to always seek an arsenal against women and vice versa. This strife isn’t Christ-like. If Jesus spoke respectfully to a 5-times married ad¥lterous woman, who are you to be condescending, even to prostit¥tes?
No woman is too far gone in prostit¥tion that God cannot save and restore. God doesn’t stop redeeming women in their 20’s. It disgusts me whenever a female celebrity proclaims Christ that these alpha foils begin to sh@me them for wasting their 20’s and then embracing Jesus.
True or not, be glad that people seek restoration. I h@te pr%stitution, I h@te seeing people waste their youth frolicking around, but I don’t h@te it than God. Stop sh@ming women for finding Jesus in their 30’s! It’s anti-Christ and you’re a mis£rable, sad man who needs salvation.
Just to remind you that female pr%stitution isn’t a heavier sin than male promiscuity before God. No matter the cultural and biological context to why women are sh@med more for s£x¥al exploration,
before God, you’re just as filthy, if not more, because God also resists the proud.