You’re not entitled to live rent-free after notice to quit has been served or rent has expired — Lawyer tells Nigerians

A lawyer has told Nigerians that they’re not entitled to live rent-free after notice to quit has been served or rent has expired.

Who told or advised Nigerians that they are entitled to live rent free after notice to quit is served or their rent has expired or a,case is in court?
Now let’s make it clear again:

1. The moment your rent/tenancy expires, you are no longer entitled to 6 months notice to quit, but 7days of owner’s intention to recover possession from court.

2. You are only entitled to months notice to quit while your rent is still subsisting or your tenancy hasn’t expired.

3. Notice to quit is only served on you if your rent hasn’t expired and it’s to expire with your tenancy or after, depending on when it is issued.

4. If your notice to quit expires after the tenancy period, you will pay for every extra day you spend in the apartment, except your landlord allows you to go.

5. After your tenancy is terminated by effluxion of time or notice, you are to pay your landlord “mesne profit” or “compensation for use and occupation” till you finally hand over the property to the landlord,

6. If your landlord files a case against you to recover premises, the longer you stay in the property while the case is pending in court, the more money you will pay; again, you must pay for every single day you spend in the property.

7. Unlike before that you can get a case struck out for non-service of notice to quit and 7days notice, it’s no longer possible. The courts, including the Supreme Court have now devised a means to ensure that landlords are not frustrated by their troublesome and bad tenants who would deprive them the economic value of their properties over non-service of notice to quit. The attitudes of court are now that once a case is filed, it is deemed that notice has been given and you should start preparing to pack our or face the consequences that may come if you refuse.



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