I deserved a better goodbye,” lady recounts how her boyfriend of five years ‘ghosted’ her to be in a relationship with another woman

A lady has recounted how her boyfriend of five years ‘ghosted’ her to be in a relationship with another woman.

We had dated for five years, it was his annual leave and I dropped him off at the airport, kissed and waved him goodbye to go spend his supposed two weeks leave with his family (mom and sibling) as
he always does.

Conversations went smoothly, shared his days, sent pictures and all of those mushy details. On the 19th of September, 2021 which was just six days since he left, it was a Sunday, I had gone to pick up my sister’s waybill from the park that morning, then I called him on video call when I got home, we spoke, laughed and talked about the item she ordered, it was a ring light, then went about our days.

At 6pm in the evening I thought to check up on him as hours has gone by without hearing from him, but he didn’t pick up. I dropped messages and kept calling yet no response until I slept.The next morning, I woke up, checked my phone expecting his call back or messages but I didn’t get any only to go on WhatsApp to see he had, updated his  status that morning and kept on posting like he normally would do.

I messaged him on WhatsApp again to inquire why he wasn’t taking my calls nor responding to my messages he read and didn’t respond, days went on and he continued ghosting me, a week later I decided to delete his number, just so I don’t continue seeing his status updates did that help no! I kept messaging him, he reads and wouldn’t respond, same thing on Instagram, so I had tounfollow him there too.Two weeks later we hadn’t spoken, his leave was over, went to his story on IG saw his update that he was back, I was truly hi rt, my sister called him messaged him too he still didn’t respond.

Months later he had blocked me everywhere and moved on. Just like that? One of his friends I called in those weeks to confirm if he was okay, said he was okay and that he was going to call me back but never did not so long his same friend I called, started reposting my now ex with his new girlfriend, few persons that knew us started calling to find out if we were no longer together as they’ve been seeing him with another girl. I had to block him (his friend) for my sanity, cos I don’t know why he was doing that.

Weeks went by, then months and now years, that was how we ended a five years relationship, it wasn’t a distant relationship, we virtually did everything together in those five years amidst the issues we had in-between, I was br ken, lost so much wight, had to relocate from that city to start afresh but I haven’t been able to start a relationship with anyone cos I’m sc red and don’t seem to trust anyone anymore. Though I’ve moved on with my life, career and everything. But shouldn’t he have done better by letting me in on his decisions? Did he have to leave that way? Till date, I still feel I deserved a better goodbye.


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