Archive for date: October 25th, 2023

Just In: Suspected yahoo boy arrested for allegedly k#lling and sla¥ght£ring his UNIPORT girlfriend in Rivers State

A man identified as Collins has been arrested for k#lling his girlfriend identified as Justina along Road 15, NTA Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. It was gathered that Collins was caught by his estate’s security personnel when he was trying to dispose her corpse after sla¥ghtering her and extracting...

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Our staff were att#cked and held ho§tage by the students and staff. No student was sh%t — EFCC reacts to reports of its operatives sh%oting sporadically in Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan

EFCC has reacted to reports of its operatives sh%oting sporadically in Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan. Seven operatives of the Ibadan Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on routine verification exercise of a surety: Azeez Kazeem Oluwakemi were, on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, attacked and held hostage by...

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Pay the N4.5 million you’ve been owing for 4yrs. You’ve not finished paying for the car you bought for Israel — Relationship expert, Blessing Okoro, sl@ms Davido

Relationship expert, Blessing Okoro, sl@mmed Davido asking him to pay the N4.5 million he has been owing for 4yrs. She said he has not finished paying for the car he bought for Israel and the young man that sold the car needed his balance, since he rise by raising...

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