X-Drama: Hours after chiding those who practice s+x before marriage, ‘righteous man’ gets called out by a lady he allegedly hara§§ed for romp at a hotel after giving her N100K for transport fare

Hours after chiding those who practice s+x before marriage, ‘righteous man’ got called out by a lady he allegedly hara§§ed for romp at a hotel after giving her N100K for transport fare.

The lady said he called her to persuade to come see him and they both agree for a restaurant, he told her to put on a nice outfit so she demand money for him and he sent her 100k, and he sent her the address of the place. Unknown to her, it was a guess good and after eating he co@rsed her like 5 times which she said no.

He later came up with a drama asking the security to lock the gate telling them she was a h@@kup girl and she will not go if she did refund her money. So she had to call a friend who helped with the refund.


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