Nigerians beam with pride as Pres. Biden ignores other African leaders and exclusively invites Pres. Tinubu to UNGA.

President Joe Biden of the USA has sent an exclusive invitation to President Bola Tinubu.

The US Presidential Envoy & Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Ambassador Molly Phee, disclosed this when he visited the Tinubu on August 26th. 

According to a statement by the Special Adviser to President Tinubu on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, Phee told President Tinubu that President Biden has requested to meet him on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York City to advance discussions further in late September.

She added that President Tinubu is the only African leader invited by Biden. “We know there is more we can do to incentivize large-scale American investment in Nigeria and we are committed to working closely with you to achieve that, as part of efforts to strengthen the Nigerian economy and the regional economy.


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