Archive for date: August 18th, 2023

BBN All Stars: Ike and Soma issued a strike for go@ding, prov#cation, hara§§ing a fellow housemate, and displaying utter disrespect to big bother respectively

Reality TV stars, Ike and Soma, on Friday, August 18, have both been issued a strike. Big brother while addressing the housemates played the clips of Ike and Soma’s actions. Ike received a strike for goading and prov#cation through the vandalization of Ilebaye’s personal items while Soma got a...

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Police rescue man from an ir@t£ môb: arrest him for allegedly st£aling 5 NSU students’ ‘lunch boxes’ in Keffi

A yet-to-be identified man was almost sent to his creator on Friday, August 18, after he was accused of st£aling p+ni§es in Keffi, Nasarawa State. According to a source, five Nasarawa State University (NSU)students residing in the BCG area had noticed that their phall¥ses were allegedly missing after coming...

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