The moment president Tinubu’s ministerial nominee, Dr. Bosun Tijani, apologized for his past-but-now-deleted tweets after being queried by senators at the ministerial screening

The nominee, an expert in information technology, had been criticized for the tweets by Senators Simon Mwadkwon of Plateau North and Abdulfatai Buhari of Oyo North when he appeared before the Senate for screening.

“On July 21, 2019, Dr. Bosun tweeted against Nigeria, saying he does not value the Nigerian passport or Nigeria as a nation,” Buhari said.

He therefore enquired as to the candidate’s continued support for Nigeria and its passport.

Tijani said he was committed to the country’s development in response to Senator Buhari’s observation and added that he tweeted as a result of a discouraging encounter he had at the Chinese Embassy a number of years ago.

He said to the lawmaker, “I tweeted in rage.

The nominee was defended by Senators Adeola Solomon (Ogun West) and Ishaku Abbo (Adamawa North), who claimed he tweeted out of love for the nation and begged their fellow senators to overlook his “shortcoming”.

Additionally, the nominee spoke for his generation, according to Senate Leader Michael Opeyemi Bamidele, who urged younger Nigerians to take note of Tijani’s example.

Additionally, he begged the lawmakers to pardon the nominee.

Later, Tijani apologized for his unpatriotic tweets, claiming he was not trained to treat elders with disrespect.

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