Archive for date: August 1st, 2023

It is because of you that for the first time in history, the FIFA World Cup prize money will be paid directly to you, the players — FIFA Secretary General tells Super Falcons

The Secretary-General of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Ms Fatma Samoura, has told Super Falcons of Nigeria that it is because of players like them that FIFA decided to pay prize money directly to players. The FIFA secretary general who addressed the Super Falcons after their 0-0...

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Let Your Partner Breathe: If you want a spouse that is like your parents, then you should consider marrying your parents — Pst. Yemi

If men want someone who can’t cook like their mother, they should marry their mother, and similarly for women, their husband doesn’t have to be as wealthy as their father, he said in a sermon to his congregation where he was exhorting them about marriage relationships. Couples shouldn’t put...

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