Just In: Businessman hospitalized after police officers r@n over him with their car in Edo

A young businessman who laid down in front of a police vehicle, in a bid to stop the officers from arresting him, has been hospitalized after the officers r¥n over him with the car.

The unfortunate incident, which was captured in a trending video, occurred on Thursday afternoon, June 29, in Ekpoma, Edo State.

According to eyewitness reports, the officers wanted to check his phone but he refused. They were said to have handc¥ffed him and wanted to take him to the station but he resisted. 

“People gathered and said there was no way the police officers were going to arrest the boy. 

When the pressure became too much for them, the officers got into their car and wanted to leave without uncuffing him.

In a bid to stop them from leaving, he lay down in front of the car, hoping they will not move it, but they did, they r@n over him,” a source said. 

Watch the video below:


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