S£x¥al compatibility is a lie from abyss to make young people fornic@te — Life coach, Solomon

In order to make young people f%rn#cate endlessly in search of someone who will sex¥ally outperform their previous partner, the concept of sex¥al compatibility is a lie from the depths. They end up having bedfellows throughout the town. You require sex¥al commitment, which can only be found in marriage, he said.

However, if you’re committed to someone, you’ll go to any lengths—within reason and sentiment—to make them happy because commitment ensures fulfillment. This is the case both emotionally and sex¥ally. God intended marriage to involve sex¥al commitment. The term “sex¥al compatibility” is used by the devil.

Moreover, having s+x before marriage is sinful for a Christian. When it comes time to choose a life partner, you use what you learned through sin (forn#cation) to determine who you will marry. You somehow fall into it, engage in it with multiple partners. This is incoherent.

Additionally, sex¥al commitment says, “I’m going to wait until marriage, and even if you’re not good enough at first, I’Il stay committed because we have forever to grow in pleasing ourselves,” as opposed to sex¥al compatibility, which says, “I’m going to test you and if you’re not good enough, I’ll leave you.

Put an end to your search for p%rn stars to start a godly marriage with. In actuality, disobedience to God is the cause of these rebellious sex¥al desires. If we all maintained our sex¥al pur#ty, you wouldn’t enter marriage needing 9 inches or wanting 50 styles in 10 minutes. They are the product of the flesh.


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