Why b£@ting a child is a lazy method of correction — Writer

A writer ha s revealed why b£@ting a child is a lazy method of correction.
She said, “Day in and day out, I am reminded that b£ating a child is an ineffective form of discipline. At best, it gives you a way to vent your rage and satisfies your itchy palms. I find it pretty ins¥lting that your child cites fear of p¥nishm£nt from mommy or daddy as a justification for good behavior.

Additionally, it takes time and is boring to justify why something is wrong or shouldn’t be done. The act of hitt¥ng is quicker, more pleasurable, and appears to be successful at the time. Because kids don’t understand why what you’re saying is incorrect, all it accomplishes is to make the child afraid of being physically p¥nish£d.


According to her, Day after day, I am reminded that beating a child is a lazy method of correction. At best, it satisfies your itchy palms and gives you an outlet for your anger. I think it’s rather embarrassing that your child’s reason for not doing wrong is “because mommy/daddy will beat me.

Furthermore, explaining why something is wrong or shouldn’t be done is a long, boring process. Hiting is quicker, more satisfying, and seems to be effective in the moment. All it does is make the child scared of being beaten as they don’t know why the thing you’re saying is wrong, is wrong.

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