S’African man seeks to understand why women end friendships over birthday congratulatory messages – Instablog9ja

S’African man seeks to understand why women end friendships over birthday congratulatory messages

S’African man seeks to understand why women end friendships over birthday congratulatory messages

He said women are built differently as his best friend only told him about his wedding 3 days before on
some “I’m getting married Saturday. You’re the best man, wear a black suit swine”. He was there, no hassles.

You guys end friendships over congratulations Hell, he didn’t even tell me when he had his second baby.
he just noticed a different baby with him and he was like “ekse who’s this?” He’s like “that’s my daughter bro? he was like “eh hamba wena champion smasher” Even when he bought his car. He just came with it they talk 3/4 times in 6months.



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