Great people still exist— Chef showers encomium on a cabbie who returned her bag containing expensive items

A chef has showered encomium on a cabbie who returned his bag containing expensive items

He  said he took a ride from the airport to his house with a pack which contained his camera (brand new Canon 5D mark IV and Canon R6 camera, 24-70mm lens , my hard drive (my files €), 50 mm
lens 1:4, my laptop and other few items.

When he got home, he was about sleeping when he got a call form the man that he forgot his pack in his car. He immediately begged him that he would take all responsibility if he could help bring it to his place but the man said it was too late and could not make that trip. So he asked him for his address and he went to get his thing back.

He was really surprised as his pack was intact and has not recovered anything he lost before, he said he did not know that great people still exist.

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