The Italian man, Filippo Ferlazzo who be@t the 39-year-old, physically-challenged Nigerian man to de@th last week Friday in Civitanova Marche, Italy, last week Friday has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a report has claimed.
Recall that it was reported that the Italian authorities have in custody Ferlazzo, the suspect who be@t and str@ngled Alika Ogorchukwu, a father-of-two, to de@th while bystanders filmed the h@rrible incident.
The incident was described as “br¥tal m¥rder” by the Nigerian embassy in Rome, the Italian capital, while Italy promised to investigate the de@th. Italians and migrants alike have been protesting the k#lling, while Ogorchukwu’s wife, Charity Oriachi, has also demanded justice for his late husband.
“I need justice for my husband, that’s what I want because the pain is too much for me, I need justice,” said Oriachi. According to Daily Mail, investigation has disclosed that Ferlazzo has been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that the k#lling of the Nigerian was not “racially motivated.”
News Italy 24 reports that the 32-year-old Ferlazzo has recently spent time at a local psychiatric hospital citing a court in his hometown Salerno. An investigating judge Claudio Bonifazi quoted Ferlazzo’s lawyer as claiming the accused m¥rderer “collaborated, apologized and made it clear that there was no racial motivation”.
The report also said that Alika’s autopsy results will be published soon.
Local media reported that Ferlazzo is currently being held in the Montacuto prison in Ancona. It is claimed he will not be charged with r@cism.
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