Military officers celebrate their colleague’s wedding in style
Military officers celebrate their colleague’s wedding in style

Military officers celebrate their colleague’s wedding in style
Man creates a scene while undergoing facials in Ibadan, Oyo State
Don’t entertain men who are cheap on a first date — Stylist
Man laments after his car was str!pped naked in Abule Egba, Lagos
Peru’s President Pedro Castillo has sacked Prime Minister Hector Valer Pinto three days after appointing him, after revelations that he was accused of domestic vIolence, AFP reports. “I have decided to recompose the cabinet,” he said in a television address, where he did not mention Pinto by name. This is Castillo’s...
Scholar shares one of the rare dividends of being a first-born
Man gives his bae a hot sl#p before proposing to her in Abuja
Actress TolaniBaj blows hot replies into the eyes of fans doubting her skin-glow
Lady congratulates her friends on their ‘matriculation’
Men are now looking for rich girls — Twitter Personality