Woman pours h*t oil on her co-wife during a brawl in Edo .

A housewife, Aliya Husseini, has s*ffered severe b*rnt injuries, after her co-wife, Aisha Abdulraman, poured h*t oil on her during a brawl, in Auchi, Edo State.

It was gathered that the unfortunate incident occurred on Tuesday morning, November 16, at their residence in Ibira camp.

According to a source, “The two wives stay in Auchi, while the man, a customer officer, live in Lagos. They usually have disagreements every now and then, but yesterday morning they had one of their usual fi*ht and the first wife heat up palm oil and doused the second wife skin with it. She s*ffered severe b*rnt all over her body.

After pouring it on her, she (the first wife) carried cutlass and started chasing everybody around without any remorse.”

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