The family of late Stella Ifeoma Abugu, a serving NYSC member, has petitioned the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mohammed Adamu, to investigate her alleged death in the custody of operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) in Abuja.
According to the petition, the deceased was arrested by SARS Operatives on Thursday, September 10, 2020, at her fiance’s apartment at Wumva village, Lokogoma, Abuja.
It was gathered that her fiancé, Mr Afam Ugwunwa, was not around when the officers arrived. But rather than leaving, they decided to arrest the deceased in lieu. She was said to have been in good health when she was arrested.
She was reported dead to her family on Tuesday, September 15, and her body was lying in Gwagwalada Specialist Hospital. She was allegedly raped, assaulted and died of obvious trauma. [Swipe]