These parents are suing a hospital for failing to abort their 14-yr old daughter


Elisa Belland, 14, has come to terms with the fact that not only was she a mistake baby but that she survived both a miscarriage and a failed abortion. In a case that has shocked Italy, Giuseppe and Aurora Bellandi, are demanding £700,000 (€1m) in
compensation for not just the psychological trauma of having a 2nd child, but also the material deprivation it caused to their lifestyle.


Elisa supports their decision to sue and insists she has always felt loved. The failed abortion took place in 2000 after the couple, who already had a grown-up son, unexpectedly discovered that they were expecting a baby. They were told it was medically necessary to save the wife, already 43. They also felt that they could simply not afford another child. With grim acceptance, they agreed to the termination.


But, by the time they discovered it had failed, it was too late to repeat the procedure under Italian law, which forbids abortion after 21 weeks. The doctors brought her into the world. The pregnancy and birth were problematic and the couple successfully sued the doctors responsible for it and received £85k ( €120k ) in damages in 2008.


7 years later, the couple, who claim they are still struggling financially as a result of Elisa’s birth, are taking the hospital to Italy’s highest court. Elisa’s father, Giuseppe, said. “The doctors brought her into the world. They should provide for her study and indispensable needs until she is 18. It’s her right. You can’t have a child and not want to give them everything.


I am not trying to become a millionaire. I just want enough for my daughter to be able to study. In Italy the children have to take on their parents’ debts when they die. I don’t want that for her.” They have been offered €60k by the hospital, which they have refused, but say they would accept another €120k…. good to know dt it’s not only in Nigeria dt human rights r respected……


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