At last, here is why Buhari didn’t appoint Igbos as Service Chiefs according to Oyegun


Chief John Odigie-Oyegun is the National Chairman of APC and when asked about the lack of appointments for the South-East and South-South in an interview with VANGUARDS, he said: “Why does the public think that if you appoint three people it
must be balanced when, in fact you are just at the elementary stage of appointments?

The ministerial list has not come, the chairmanship of boards has not come, there are so many first rate appointments that are still coming down the line, the ones that has happened are more or less specialized, they are more or less appointments that have some degree of severity governance around them.

If you talk about the security agencies, you must pay due attention to the requirement of this time, the reality of the security situation in the country. So it is unfair to make 3 appointments, everybody expects to see one from A, one from B, one from C; no, it is the total package.

It is when the total package is presented that you will now start looking at who is in what ministry, the status of the ministry and the caliber of the ministry. It is then you can really now make a fair assessment. It is still too early and the appointments we have made now are too specialized for us to jump to that kind of conclusion. They should hold their breath for a little time to come.”….. so they shld stop quoting heavy heavy vocabularies like dt GUY on instablog9ja. I av forgotten his moniker.


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