Girlfriend dumped by text throws insane tantrum in public ( picture + video )


The video of the woman went viral after she was seen throwing tantrum on a public street after being dumped by her boyfriend over text. The 24-year-old was reportedly told by her partner that their relationship of several years simply wasn’t
working out. Apparently unprepared for the news, the woman, who was walking in Hong Kong’s Tsim Sha Tsui district, threw herself to the floor and started screaming and shouting at passersby.

Link to the video:

She remained on the ground for over an hour as bemused onlookers attempted to help her. At one point, she appeared to have gotten herself. She agreed to walk arm in arm with two pedestrians, but it wasn’t long before she fell back to the floor and continued screaming. Eventually police and paramedics arrived, and carried her away in a stretcher…… for those who don’t understand her language, she was simply saying “u duped me carnally, u beat my drum till it became soft n almost got torn. Oh my God, u duped me carnally.”…..


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