Last October Swift’s attorneys filed trademark applications for lyrics found on her album 1989 such as “Party Like it’s 1989″ “Could Show You Incredible Things,” “Cause We Never Go Out of Style” and “Nice to Meet You. Where
You Been?” A metal song has been recorded in protest by Musician and activist, Ben Norton.
“Trademarks are a direct attack on one of the most fundamental and inalienable rights of all: our freedom of speech. If you give the bourgeoisie an inch, they will take a mile… and everything else you have in the process. They have already privatized land, water, and words.
After language, they will next try to privatize air. But, although the rich can try, they will never truly own the words we use and the language we speak,” Norton said….. meanwhile Olamide is busy in Nigeria trying to trademark d phrases “story for d gods” n “shoutout si awon goons mi”……